Jobs / Internships

Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter Internship Opportunities

Docent, Front Desk, Gift Shop, Collections/Archives, Research Assistant, Weekend House Supervisor. These positions have year-round availability.

Collegiate Work-Study RMC & MSU-B

Docent, Front Desk, Gift Shop, Collections/Archives, Research Assistant, Weekend House Supervisor. Limited number of positions have year-round availability for enrolled students.

Volunteer at the Moss Mansion

We have Docent, Front Desk, Gift Shop, collections and special events positions available year-round.

To apply for Internships, Work-Study positions, and volunteer opportunities
send CV/Resume via email to or deliver in person to:

Moss Mansion Museum
Attn: Volunteer Coordinator
914 Division Street
Billings, MT  59101

For more information stop by, call 256-5100 or email