
Contributions of all sizes from individuals, companies and foundations are critical to the Moss Mansion’s success and fund every aspect of the mansion’s operations and mission.

Giving opportunities are available at all levels allowing you to support what you love most about the Moss, whether it’s the historic 1903 sandstone structure, one of the precious artifacts in the collection, or one of the many programs or events hosted at the historic landmark.

We appreciate your consideration of a gift to the Moss Mansion and are here to assist you in the giving process. Please contact 256-5100 or donate online HERE.

Mansion and Grounds

It’s a labor of love maintaining a grand home and the beautiful grounds upon which it sits. Operating costs to heat the mansion and water the grounds comprise a significant portion of the annual budget. In addition, a number of large projects such as repairing the roof, correcting poor wiring, and refinishing the wood floors, are constantly in need. Underwriting opportunities for each room in the mansion, plus the grounds, are available to help subsidize some of these expenses. Room and Grounds Underwriters receive recognition and benefits that may include:

  • Signage in the underwritten room or on the grounds
  • Donor’s Name/Company referenced in all tours as an underwriter (approximate annual tour attendance – 10,500 people)
  • Donor’s Name/Company logo listed on the Moss Mansion website
  • Donor’s Name/Company recognition at the Party for Preservation
  • Tickets to the annual Historic House Holiday Party
  • Tickets to the Haunted House
  • Tour passes to the Moss Mansion
  • Discount on Private Event Rental


The Moss Mansion has been virtually untouched for a century, making it extremely unique among historic homes. It’s rare to witness a historic house with all of the original fixtures, furnishings and textiles, not to mention the privilege to know its family through personal letters and diaries. Your support ensures the Moss possessions are properly preserved, allowing them to be shared with the public for the next 100 years and beyond.


A gift to the Billings Preservation Society Endowment Trust is an investment in the Moss Mansion’s future. Museum endowments provide financial stability and assist with operational funding, ensuring the museum will thrive for years to come. Did you know Montana donors pay less state income taxes when they give a qualified planned gift to the Billings Preservation Society? Please call us to learn how you can take advantage of the Montana Endowment Tax Credit.


Talented volunteers create special exhibits each year to share incredible artifacts archived in the third floor ballroom. Past summer exhibits include Meet the Moss Family and the Pastimes and Passions of the Moss Family. We welcome donations to assist with printing, materials and other display costs related to special exhibits.


What better way to learn how Billings started as a thriving community than through one of its founding families? At the Moss Mansion, children of all ages explore the 111-year-old family home with its original furnishings and artwork. Kids identify with the family members and see that they lived much like we do today, but with a different set of amenities…cutting edge in the early 1900’s! Each year, over 1,500 children interact with knowledgeable volunteers in guided school tours at significantly reduced tour rates. Your support in this area allows the Moss to be accessible to everyone and to continue building educational programs for children and their families.

Other Ways to Support the Moss

Matching Gifts can double the impact of your donation to the Moss Mansion! Check with your employer to see if your gift can be matched through a company program.

Maximize your Volunteer Time through a company donation. Many businesses encourage volunteerism in the community and will make contributions to the Moss Mansion in recognition of your time dedicated to the organization. Check with your employer to see if your volunteer time can be matched through a company program. Moss Mansion staff is available to verify your hours.